Saturday, June 27, 2015

I have been wanting to try a set of wireless bluetooth headphones for a while now, and I recently got the chance to acquire this pair of Jarv NMotion PRO Sport Wireless Bluetooth headphones at a discounted rate in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. These headphones arrived to my home within 2 days in a nice little package. I immediately got them out to see how the sounded.

To start with, these headphones are very lightweight and comfortable to wear. The over the ear hooks keep them sitting nicely in place while you wear them. Whether you are walking around or running around they stay put. My ears did not hurt inside after several hours of continued use. Speaking of which, I wore these headphones for about 4.5 hours and the battery showed no sign of dying.

The sound that comes from these headphones is perfect for what the average person would use wireless bluetooth headphones for. I'm no audiophile, but I know that these headphones have a great sound. The built in microphone and controls on the cord make it easy to control the volume, or to take incoming calls to your phone.

I highly recommend these Jarv NMotion PRO Sport Wireless Bluetooth headphones to anyone that wants a set of headphones that easily connects via bluetooth to an array of devices and sounds great.